Guía del 2024


Clases Online Martes 6:15h a 7:30h




Also first day of the year makes up to 10 (1-1-2024)

• EVEN numbers. Meaning dynamic flowing movement (in contrast to information-content-structure) – It is in the energetic-emotional-feelings realm. 

This year, in a personal level, might be confronting your planning, schedules, strategies, expectations, scheming, projections of what you think should be or not be. There is not structure or logical order. It might seem to be chaotic,  don’t try to understand it nor to fix it as if it was a problem. 

It is not meant to be understood. So the best thing to do is not doing. Stop asking for explanations. Open up your intuition, listen the universal music, start dancing with it, not to get stuck, paralized, freezed. In front of shocking events that might be happening this year, remember is for you to happen.

This is a year for gratitude. So, honoring 2023 first.

Go through 2023 and appreciate everything that happened. 

Drop any resentment from whatever the 23 might have been. 

Feel what was the training you went through. 

Thanks to those tough moments, you developed certain skills, to enter now, in  2024, empowered, free and liberated to become now yourself.

Go beyond the polarity of life in gratitude, opening up and sostained into a neutral more real state of yourself.

• FEMALE numbers. The presence of the inspirational female. Fully present in their presence.

The priority is the presence of the woman to awake and heal the world.

4 as the inspirational woman

6 as the sharp clarity spiritual warrior in woman. 

8 as the compassive mother and empowered wise woman 

• AIR + WATER elements. 

Issues around purity or toxicity in the planet specially regarding air and water. 

Storms. Huricanes. Tsunamis. Floods. Drought… Might be happening in the world.

Which also means, in a personal level: energetic-emotional storms, happening in the field of feelings and emotions, in relationships or within yourself.


Health. This year is a good year to choose and commit to what is bringing you praana, life force, strengthening your health and vitality. Or on the other side of the loop of the 8, realize what is weakening you, being toxic, draining you.

This year might be a year to take big decisions. 

To develop the capacity to tune into what is coming, to feel what needs to be happening, include in your discipline: 

· Stay with your BREATH. Constant remembrance of God in your breath will awake in you consciousness and clarity.

· Develop your INTUITION. Work on your self-sensory system. Increase your finest sensitivity.

· Under the most chaotic curcunstances, in front of uncertainty, have TRUST and FAITH

· SILENCE. Don’t rush into explanations, arguments wanting to be understood, just stay quite, speak from your inner silence from the 4. Otherwise from the 6, your clarity is your power. Respond briefly with sharp awareness and clarity. It both will come from that place of inner silence.

· INTERRUPT. Create daily inner pauses to come back to you. Stop and feel you are with your breath. Interrupt the inner mental dialog to give more space to your heart.

· PRAY. MEDITATE. Every day wake up tuning into the day ahead from your heart welcoming the unknown divine. Every night, close the day in gratitude for what it was, cleaning out energetically what needs to be dropped, feeling calmness and appreciation inside. Develop this loving intimate relationship with the greatest unknown. 

· BLESS. Develop the attitude of blessing whoever cross your path. Beyond friends-enemies. Become the prayer/blessing that the humanity needs the most.

· Feel EMBRACED by God. God loves you.  


***What do you want to REMEMBER so that you don’t forget?

· Remember COMPASSION. 

Be compassive to others and to yourself. Don’t search for explanations.

· Remember GRATITUDE at all moments (even when you think it doesn’t deserve it).

· Remember AUTHENTICITY. Above all, check it with your heart, your truth barometer.

· Remember your TRUE-SELF. Your highest destiny with your every single breath.

· Remember NEUTRAL-MIND. Are you going to automatically react or consciusly respond?

· Remember your COMMITMENT with yourself: “Instead of…. I will…” 

(Instead of exploding in anger, I will remember to keep my inner stillness)

· Remember and be aware that it is all in your service. Take RESPONSIBILITY. Don’t blame others. Neither punish yourself. Responsibility is the hability to respond from your conscious self.


This year, from a personal intimate inner feeling of the number 4, to the impersonal realm of 6 and the infinite 8.

Personally impersonal. Impersonal personal. Keep this sense within you at any and all moments. Don’t attach personally, don’t pretend to be detach. Just a soft “formless holding” in all situations. Like welcoming the butterfly to your hand, free to go away at any moment it wants. 

From a prayerful attitude, inviting and calling out the infinite power which transcends any limit.


Stay there. Stablish yourself strong in your heart (4). 

To then stay impersonally, in 8 and 6, tuning into the infinite source of all, (and let things magically sort out by themselves).

4 & 6


***Tell yourself what you CHOOSE or want to be chosen by (including the reverse of the 8):

· I Choose Sacred. Sacred chose me 

· I Choose Truth. Truth truthfully chose me.

· I Choose authenticity. Sat naam chose you. 

· I Choose to serve the community. Community chose me.

· I Choose to call on the higher forces to be by my side, 

I hear their calling choosing me, walking together.

· I Choose…? ….You choose. It is your decision. Nobody can do it for you.

• Feel yourself being chosen. Chosen by who? God in you. Your truthful being breathing you. 

Just have faith and become it.

• This year is a good year to decide where your commitment is. 

• Decide what your priorities are. 

• Where are you investing your time/energy/money. Your precious breath.

• Don’t have the sense of you being the doer. 


• Create daily Inner Pauses. 

• Interrupt your routine to check if you are with you.

• Create several pauses during the day to come back to you.

• Stay there, present in your presence (don’t rush to next, next…)

• Ask yourself what the moment requires.

• This year something needs to stop.

***In your heart you feel this year is a great opportunity to STOP…?

And feel yourself Hold in the stopping by greater forces, call at them,

since your stopping responds to taking a step forward to meet your soul’s destiny.  

· Stop trying…. To have it all under your control.

· Stop planning or projecting expectations.

· Stop feeling inadequate or undervalued.

· Stop limiting yourself under other’s eyes.

· Stop complaining, being grumpy, cynicism, worrying…

· Stop Self-doubt.

· Stop stopping yourself when your full heart asks you to fully participate. 


***There will be CONSEQUENCES, can you intuit/anticipate what would it be?

· When i stop my mind games i will feel more authentic.

· When i stop trying to have all under control i will feel more free.

• It requires to take the risk. It is scary, but otherwise, nothing would have any sense. 

• This year might be for taking the bet of your life, finally take that decision, choosing on the crossroad, jumping off the cliff. Don’t do it blindly, feel the moment when your wings are ready to fly.


• With your very breath! 

• Open up moments to let your heart come with a prayer to humanity, children, for the future.

• Surprise yourself, letting some unexplainable words of beauty and blessings come to you, shocking you from your third eye, or elevating your heart from deep within.

• It starts by feeling and celebrating appreciation.. Attitude of Gratitude. 


• Let your silence speak. Speak from your silence.

• Silence that speaks the unspeakable.

• Go inside. Quite. Be still. Don’t rush. 

***What needs to be SILENCED? (mind games, past-stories, old-believes, mental-noise, …).

And what needs to be said and when. 


***I make myself AVAILABLE for…


• Discovery of hidden secrets coming to light.

• Broken promises. Feeling betrayed. 

• Things never are what they seem. Realizing how many lies were said.

• Impact of certain unbelievable realizations.

• Waking up from the dream.

• The veil in front of your eyes falling off.  

• Confussion. Being shaked.


• Explossions of…. consciousness? 

• Shock. Fear. Horror. Terror. Nightmare. 

• Faith. God rules the world. God know better.


• Don’t avoid it, since it would go back to you as a conflict 10 times worse.

• Go through it gracefully.

***What is your FIGHT?. Are you ready?

Consciously choose what your fight is and what is not.

As a service. Not against. Fighting for… Humanity, higher values and principles. 

Gatka. Enough is enough! 


• Wake up right now! Be aware of what is going on in the world, in your life.

• Having crossed the non-returnning red-line. Point of life and death.

• Countdown. Decide with no delay or it would be too late, with big consequences.. 

• Warrior attitude. Warrior consciousness. Revolution. Remember where is your commitment.

• Powerful “No” to empower you.


The moment of Truth. The moment is now. Now is the moment.

***This is the MOMENT to… 

· Stay with your Breath

· Stand up and fight.

· Breath compassion

· Serve the sacred

· Live w trust and faith

· Be ready

· Call on the divine (=prayer) bth by bth

· In relation to the Unknown



Welcoming the unknown. 


• Inmense deep pain. Knocking out your heart.

• Remember: It is the pain of humanity. 

• Approach the tough moments with poetry, inspirational expressions.

• You are alive. It is the intensity of your being. Offer it to God.

• It is building up your nucleus of being. Developing the strength you need to break up the cocoon. To open up into the amazing impactful beauty of your being.


• Self-love (instead of self-doubt). 

• Treating yourself more lovingly

• The purity of your heart. The purity and strength of love. Infinite love. 


• Taking the risk. 

• Bet for what your heart feels is real.

• Miracle is happening in every single breath of yours.


• By thy Grace I welcome and breath Grace.


• May God bless them all.


Our destiny, where we are going to, is the number 8. 

• Tuning into its strength and power.

• Choosing Compassion, or consequences will be brutal.

• Health, vitality. Now is serious, life and death matters. 

• Miraculous healing. Unexpected deaths.

• Remember Grace in front of adversity. 

• Facing polarity as a natural dance.

• There are always two sides to all. Include them both for it to be complete.

In this way, the dance will happen, smoothly flowing, both polarities empowering you.


• Waves of emotionality / reveletion / awakening / pure sheer clarity.

POLARITY of the 8 in combination with 4/6

• Ask yourself what you need to forget, in order to remember what you don’t have to forget.

• Turning takers into givers. Influenced to influencers. 

Don’t be impacted, be the impact that the world needs

• Stop, stay quite inside you, while you respond with immediacy to what the situation demands.

• Moments of quite inner silence, moments of a vibrant loud impactful silence. 

• Things are never what they seem. 

• It is not about me, it is about we within me, which means i must totally be in me.

• There is a moment to let it be. There is a moment to stand up and fight. 

• Let your silence speak. Speak from your silence.

• Never fall into self-doubt. 

Final prayer for the year

May all children know they are always blessed. May woman wake up and bring inspiration from the strength of their spirit. May the world awake and heal its pain remembering purity and love. Lets all serve humanity with the presence of our heart. Lets go fearlessly, heartfully, blessing, and trusting miracles are happening every single moment.